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Strength & Conditioning Plans

In a nutshell

I’ll design a personalised training programme that focuses on your performance goals. Following a gym-based assessment session we’ll discuss your goals and define your priorities, which I’ll use to create a programme that consists of periodised, season-long training that puts you in the best possible place to achieve your goal.


Who’s it for?

People who need more flexibility when they train. Anyone who has a performance goal in their sport – whether you’re a beginner or elite athlete. This is for those who:

  • Have limited time to commit to 121 coaching

  • Want a structured plan tailored to their goals

  • Need flexibility of when they train

  • Have limited knowledge of strength and conditioning for their sport



What you’ll get out of it?

  • Objective analysis of your strengths, weaknesses and current capabilities

  • Access to expert coaching advice based on evidence and practise

  • A bespoke structured strength training plan designed to get you the results you want

  • Detailed training load monitoring and analysis

  • Accountability through regular communications and check-ins


Why me?

As a strength and conditioning coach and endurance competitor, I practice what I preach. When it comes to your goals, you can be confident that you’ll receive a results-driven programme that’s bespoke to you, created using my unique blend of theory, experience, and passion. I always use the latest data, monitoring and research-based training methods to design, adapt and implement the best training programme for you.


This is a bespoke service and prices will vary depending on your plan. Prices start from £50, this includes fitness assessment and 4 week training plan.  

The Process


We will discuss the needs of your sport/event, your current training and explore your short and long term goals. 


Analysis of current training schedule, training history & current health. A comprehensive fitness assessment will inform the planning and progression of your training programme. 


A bespoke programme designed to your abilities, lifestyle and goals will be provided. Progress will be monitored every 3-4 weeks. 

Activities will be provided through the Truecoach app with video demonstrations

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